Tell Someone You LOVE Them…

Yesterday the online world of Facebook and Twitter seemed to go Cupid, roses and chocolate crazy with public displays of love littering my screen. Perhaps because this year I was single on February 14th (again!), or perhaps because I’m a little bit older (and wiser?), I found myself being quite cynical of what can widely be described as a “Hallmark” holiday. The romantic me would like to think that should my “one” ever come rescue me from the embrace of the big bad Singledom Witch, most days would be filled with tiny romantic gestures and declarations of love. Not just once a year, in an enforced display on the same day as the rest of the coupled up world. Doesnt exactly scream amour!

So whilst boxing up my current life, pondering the big L O V E and the thought I would soon be waving goodbye to many people whom I love, I came across this framed print. It was given to me by someone whom I love more than life itself; my baby brother Christopher. For those who may not know, he died in 2010, aged 26 after a painfully short battle with Lung Cancer.

So clearly in amongst a few tears it got me thinking…. Why wait for Valentines Day or “the perfect moment” to express your love for those you cherish. You don’t know when life can change in an instant (good or bad), you don’t know when people may be taken from you or you from them. More so now than my mushy self ever used to, I try to tell those around me often that I care about, love and cherish them.

So sod Valentines Day… whats wrong with March the 7th, September the 15th or today?! Tell someone you love them… tell someone you think they’re great, tell them you appreciate the little things and the big things they do for you… just tell them, don’t assume “they know.” And anyway… it’s always nice to hear the words I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

In Memory – CMD – I just love you so much.

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